What’s in it for me? || Citizen Journalism, my 3 takeaways

Levi Mark C. Dalagonan
2 min readFeb 9, 2021


Citizen Journalism and Social Media

Most of the people nowadays spend time scrolling throughout their social media accounts, 24/7 just to be updated on what is happening around them, Paul Lewis said that Citizen Journalism and Social media can bring changes to the world of Journalism and injustice that a lot of people experienced before, we are really lucky that our technology now is more better than before and it’s easy to have a evidences that can be use to state a fact based on what is truly happened.

Utilizing the things we have

As social media user, I intended to share things that a lot of people can maximize the information on it, like sharing my photographs while walking or sharing my story when I witnessed accident in the road. In the video, Paul said that utilizing the things like phone, camera and sharing information in the social media world can help others to understand the other side of the story that can bring power to citizen journalism.

Power of Citizen Journalism

People can easily twisted when it comes on information that they’ve read or heard in social media, television or in radio. Why is Citizen Journalism powerful? It because it can easily explain things through posting photo, video and voice record through social media even without explaining. It is very useful especially nowadays that a lot of people are using social media to update things that are happening around the world such us Black Lives Matter, Pandemic, Awareness about Climate Change and a lot more that the world is facing up until now.



Levi Mark C. Dalagonan

Aspiring Photojournalist, SLU Baguio PH, Communication Student